wedding photography

A huge congratulations to a great friend and few tips for outdoor wedding photography

I had the honor of shooting a childhood friend's wedding this weekend.  CONGRATS JAY AND MARYAM!!  For those who are close to Jay and Maryam, enjoy the teasers. For those looking for a few outdoor photography tips, continue reading after the images

Photography talk now. I might lose some of you here.

Ok, so as you can see it was a quaint, beautiful wedding. You might also notice it is super sunny and the sun was at a very high point causing a shadow in everyone's eyes.  A quick fix would be to raise the shadow level in Lightroom.  There is more artistic freedom in the couple shots.  

Do as much as you can do inside the camera.  If there is less to edit then workflow is a breeze. Come prepared.  I travel with my strobe lights and a lithium battery so that means instant strobes anywhere.  Another must have is a ND Filter.  This helps keep the shallow depth of field (bokeh) on sunny days.  Yes, some math is involved.  Without a high speed sync, I must keep my shutter speed under 200.  Thats what the ND Filter helps with.  From there it's photographer's choice on what your filler light and what your main light source will be, sun or strobe.  

Images were shot with a Canon 5D Mark III Lens: 85mm L Series                                                            ISO 100 Shutter Speed 200 Fstops 3.5-5.6 


For more information on wedding photography you can check it out here: