Winter Wonderland

Tips for your next winter session

If you are brave enough to take pictures in the dead of winter, here are some tips you should know.

Wear Layers

The session below was 17 degrees when we started photographing. The best thing to do is wear layers. Thermals for your legs, thick socks or 2 pair, snow boots, and long sleeves with a thick sweater looks great and you might not even need a coat.


Bring extras. Extra hats and extra gloves will give your session different looks. It will also keep you warm if you take pictures playing with the snow. Sneak some hand warmers in there too.


Shivering is your body’s way of keeping you warm. The more you move , the warmer you will be. This can serve two purposes: keep you warm and make your images more fun. Running, jumping, and dancing puts a smile on anyone’s face.