Meet Your Clients in Person!


With each new potential client I get I find it a necessity to meet in person.  There are many reasons why.  I'll explain 3 for photographers and for clients:

1.  (clients) Don't you want to meet the photographer and get a good read on the person.  With an in person meeting you can.  Does the photographer seem confident?  Does the photographer know what he or she is talking about?  Do they grab your attention? A wedding photographer or children photographer needs to control the scene.  If they can't grab your attention one on one, how are they going to control your bridal party or children during a shoot where you pay for time?

2. (photographers) Piggy backing on number 1,  show them!  Answer each question they have and answer it with confidence.  If you show weakness but your pricing is fairly expensive, your potential client is going to wonder, "Why should I hire this guy? He has no idea what he's talking about." This is also a great way to weed out the "Shoppers." A shopper is a potential client that is only interested in getting the cheapest price.  There's nothing wrong with this type of client, personally that's not the type of client I'm looking for. It also protects you from scams. I almost was hit once (scroll my Instagram from a red FRAUD ALERT for details).  Lastly, if your packages are customizable it's much easier to do that in person.

3. (both clients and photographers) MOST IMPORTANTLY:  Don't network! SOCIALIZE. Your customer experience will be 10x better if you SOCIALIZED before hand.  Clients, wouldn't you feel more comfortable handing your newborn baby to someone you are more comfortable with? Photographers, if you socialized with the bride and groom before the wedding, they will be far more comfortable allowing you to capture those real intimate moments. Photographers, if you do your job right, the groom WILL make you take a shot with him.  

Grab a cup of coffee, grab drinks, smoke cigars.  Sit down and get to know each other. If you're planning a wedding you'll need the break.  Who knows, you might be their photographer for life. Wedding then newborn. Newborn then 6 month sessions. 6 months then 1st birthday cakesmash session and beyond.  Good luck guys.

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