christmas photography

Christmas 2021

A quick rundown…

There are two new setup for the 2021 Christmas season. I have a Hot Cocoa session and a Christmas PJs session. Hot Cocoa comes with a 20 min session, 5 digitals, and 25 Christmas cards. Christmas PJs is a 15 min session, 2 digitals, and 25 Christmas cards. You also have the option of doing both.

I’ve had a few people say they would like an outdoor setting but their kids were a little old for the Hot Cocoa session. I still have my props from 2020s setup.

Tis the Season

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It’s Christmas session time!!! (Not Christmas season, enjoy your pumpkin spice everything)

There are still spots available. This year’s Christmas sessions include 30 minutes of photography, 5 digital images chosen from your gallery of all usable images from the session, and 25 Christmas cards for $195.

Available Dates:

November: 3rd, 16th, 17th, 24th, 30th

December: 14th, 15th.

Confirm a date and I can get the ball rolling on my end.


Thank you for a successful Christmas season!


Hi guys,

I must start by saying THANK YOU for everyone who made this Christmas season such a success! Whether it was posting and raving about the job I did, calling me directly telling me how everyone loved their cards, or simply liking and comment on some of the images it is much appreciated. 


There are a lot of new things planned for 2018!!! Though I might not blog about what's going on, the other social media outlets are updated constantly. Follow to stay informed.