bergen county photographer

Telling a Story with Photography


Photography for most is just taking out a cell phone, capturing a cute image, and leaving it on your phone until you get a new phone and never see that image ever again. I’m guessing you’re clicking on my page because you want something more. I can definitely help you with that.


Lets start with the easiest, most beautiful journey you will ever take, CHILDBIRTH. This is my favorite story to tell. I know how beautiful this story is because the next group of photos are of my family. Freezing these moments and mounting them on a wall will take you back to the way you felt when you were taking that journey. Lets do it the right way.


For my corporate followers, you can tell a story too. Professionalism! It’s a simple story to tell, but it is also a very important one. Headshots are your clients’ first impression of you. Professional, uniform, and charismatic makes for a great first impression.

Whether you would like more information or you are ready to book, click on the button below.

Winter Wonderland

Tips for your next winter session

If you are brave enough to take pictures in the dead of winter, here are some tips you should know.

Wear Layers

The session below was 17 degrees when we started photographing. The best thing to do is wear layers. Thermals for your legs, thick socks or 2 pair, snow boots, and long sleeves with a thick sweater looks great and you might not even need a coat.


Bring extras. Extra hats and extra gloves will give your session different looks. It will also keep you warm if you take pictures playing with the snow. Sneak some hand warmers in there too.


Shivering is your body’s way of keeping you warm. The more you move , the warmer you will be. This can serve two purposes: keep you warm and make your images more fun. Running, jumping, and dancing puts a smile on anyone’s face.

What to expect in a photo session.


Yes i know a lot of you reading this already had an amazing session with me. This blog is for that new client you’ve sent my way. I love word of mouth referrals btw. Photoshoots can be extremely daunting. What do you wear? Should you shoot indoor vs outdoor? Do you even know what you don’t know? This is where a good photographer (like me) comes in.

First off… RELAX. Even if our session is a total disaster in your eyes, I usually get a few salvageable images. There was pregnancy announcement session where the big brother wouldn’t stop crying. I had him hold a sign and made it seem he was upset about possibly getting a sister. Even if it is a total disaster, there’s always a reshoot.

What do I wear? Dress up! Look your best. If it’s a group, wear matching colors. For example the whole family wears a white top and blue jeans. Make sure it’s neat. My goal is you love the images so much you buy a huge print and hang it in your living room to enjoy forever.

Bottom line is if you arrive knowing what to expect and how to prepare for a photo session, you will be comfortable not to worry out the things you can’t control. Be in the moment. Have fun. It’ll show in your images

My two most frequently ask sessions are maternity and headshots. I hope these links calm your worries.

Telling a Story


Photography for most is just taking out a cell phone, capturing a cute image, and leaving it on your phone until you get a new phone and never see that image ever again. I’m guessing you’re clicking on my page because you want something more. I can definitely help you with that.


Lets start with the easiest, most beautiful journey you will ever take, CHILDBIRTH. This is my favorite story to tell. I know how beautiful this story is because the next group of photos are of my family. Freezing these moments and mounting them on a wall will take you back to the way you felt when you were taking that journey. Lets do it the right way.


For my corporate followers, you can tell a story too. Professionalism! It’s a simple story to tell, but it is also a very important one. Headshots are your clients’ first impression of you. Professional, uniform, and charismatic makes for a great first impression.

Whether you would like more information or you are ready to book, click on the button below.

Reasons you need prints in your life (Copy)

Reasons you need prints in your life.


While I love and respect the posting and sharing of my clients’ images after one of my photoshoots, I feel like clients should go the extra mile and get those images printed. It doesn’t even have to be through me. I’m in the process of getting photo release cards so clients don’t run the risk of other places not printing my photography. If you take the time and spend the money on a shoot, some sort of physical product should be purchased as well. If you just take the digital prints and never do anything with them you run the risk of losing the USB and your computer crashing. Yes this is worse case scenario it won’t happen right away. I only archive my clients’ images for a year or so.

Showing off the digital images can be a nuisance also. You need to be near a computer. You need to find the USB if it’s not saved on your computer. Physical products are usually on a coffee table, on your wall, or make your mornings bright when you hold your coffee mug with my images on them. You see these products every day.

You have choices as well. You’re free to take your images to Walmart or Costco. I don’t recommend it. I won’t stop you. I will warn you that the quality and colors will most likely be subpar. The quality of those products won’t compare with manufactures that strictly deal with professional photographers. Screens are calibrated and images are color corrected so you receive the best image possible.

Yes it will cost more. There is nothing wrong with going the less expensive route. Quality will make your images stand out though. Just what ever you do, don’t let your image collect dust hidden in a drawer.


Gift Certificates Available

Give the gift of photography. Memories for life.

Lets get out there!


It is with great pride (and the need to get out of the house) that I am announcing that I AM BACK. Of course there will be a new normal when it comes to our sessions. Outdoor only for a while for obvious reasons. I will have a mask and hand sanitizer. I will also maintain my distance while shooting.

Families: The current portrait theme, as you can see, is the beach. Sessions are 30 minutes and come with 5 digital images. I am also offering prints with my sessions.

Realtors: Headshots on a beautiful day in front of property for sale would be a great look for the summer.

See past blogs.

Cherry Blossoms


So I know you’ve felt this winter, or lack there of, and seen how mild it has been. Because of this the Cherry Blossoms Festival in Newark states it will be held April 4th and 5th. I’m assuming that’s when the blossoms will be out in full bloom.

Lets book you a session ASAP. Can you imagine have your own images like the ones below?



Happy New Year


Happy New Year! Hope your New Year was as good as mine. Another year has passed and I’d like to thank you for your support. Whether it was as simple as consistently liking my work or as big as getting me a corporate headshot gig, THANK YOU.


Christmas sessions were a success once again. I had such a great time photographing all these families.


I tried something new this year. I had the honor of being picked to take school pictures for The Ivy Academy in Teaneck. It taught me a lot.


I like to always look forward to the next great thing. I’ll be starting 2020 by offering Valentine’s Day sessions. Click the button below and fill out a contact form to learn more.

Tis the Season

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It’s Christmas session time!!! (Not Christmas season, enjoy your pumpkin spice everything)

There are still spots available. This year’s Christmas sessions include 30 minutes of photography, 5 digital images chosen from your gallery of all usable images from the session, and 25 Christmas cards for $195.

Available Dates:

November: 3rd, 16th, 17th, 24th, 30th

December: 14th, 15th.

Confirm a date and I can get the ball rolling on my end.


I'm Having a Baby!


It’s almost that time. With our due date quickly approaching, I will no longer be taking new clients until the end of August. Bree and I are nesting and patiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Markie. Potential clients, thank you for your understanding. Friends and family, thank you for all the gifts and well wishes. Thank you cards are on the way.


Stay tuned for the best newborn session you’ve ever seen.

Reasons you need prints in your life

Reasons you need prints in your life.


While I love and respect the posting and sharing of my clients’ images after one of my photoshoots, I feel like clients should go the extra mile and get those images printed. It doesn’t even have to be through me. I’m in the process of getting photo release cards so clients don’t run the risk of other places not printing my photography. If you take the time and spend the money on a shoot, some sort of physical product should be purchased as well. If you just take the digital prints and never do anything with them you run the risk of losing the USB and your computer crashing. Yes this is worse case scenario it won’t happen right away. I only archive my clients’ images for a year or so.

Showing off the digital images can be a nuisance also. You need to be near a computer. You need to find the USB if it’s not saved on your computer. Physical products are usually on a coffee table, on your wall, or make your mornings bright when you hold your coffee mug with my images on them. You see these products every day.

You have choices as well. You’re free to take your images to Walmart or Costco. I don’t recommend it. I won’t stop you. I will warn you that the quality and colors will most likely be subpar. The quality of those products won’t compare with manufactures that strictly deal with professional photographers. Screens are calibrated and images are color corrected so you receive the best image possible.

Yes it will cost more. There is nothing wrong with going the less expensive route. Quality will make your images stand out though. Just what ever you do, don’t let your image collect dust hidden in a drawer.


Gift Certificates Available

Give the gift of photography. Memories for life.