
Graphic Design & Photography

Benefits of a Jack of All Trades Artist.

The quote most of us have heard is, “A Jack of all trades is a master of none.” I am guilty of thinking this was the entire quote just like you probably did. The full quote is, “A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one.”

Learning the full quote set me at ease. Society tells you niche down and pick one thing to focus your business on. I graduated college with a major in graphic design and a minor in photography. I felt, deep in my soul, I needed to do both in my business. If you pay attention to what clients want, it is easy to merge graphic design in a photography business.

As a portrait photographer I started integrating graphic design into my photography by designing custom holiday cards for my clients. As I have shifted into branding for businesses, my skill set has shown to be invaluable. Clients are delighted when they realize I am all they need for logo design, menu design, headshots, product photography, and bts photography.

This is the benefit of a jack of all trades artist. Stop letting the masses say an artist cannot be great at multiple things. I understand wanting a niche photographer for a wedding but branding is a much more creative area to work with. It is much more beneficial to work with one person good enough to make your logo, photography your product, and extract the most confident version of you for your business.

What is Branding?

What is Branding?

Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity for a business in the mind of your target audience and consumers. At the the most basic level, branding is made up of a company's logo, visual design, mission, and tone of voice. The end of the year is a perfect time to rebrand your busniess. Luckly with GR Design & Photography all the things I listed for rebranding can be done with me.

The Madelyn is a restaurant in NYC I worked with. They needed an identity. A logo fit for a high end fusion restaurant. This went on their website, menus, marketing, and vinyl lettering for their glass storefront. Photography for the website was also needed and they appreciated that they were able to get all these services from one vendor. How did I do?

J’adore Fashion is a clothing brand. I was asked to make the logo fun and classy. We used 3 models to photograph their inventory which also was fun and classy. What does this brand, as a whole, say to you?

Gen Zer's and online presence

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Gen Zer's and Online Presence

Generation Z and Millenials don’t really know a world outside of their phones. If you are an entrepreneur and want to get their attention then it’s time to spruce up your online presents. Headshots and branding sessions are the best way to start. It’s also something I can help with.

Here is the proof they value an online presence.