
Reasons you need prints in your life (Copy)

Reasons you need prints in your life.


While I love and respect the posting and sharing of my clients’ images after one of my photoshoots, I feel like clients should go the extra mile and get those images printed. It doesn’t even have to be through me. I’m in the process of getting photo release cards so clients don’t run the risk of other places not printing my photography. If you take the time and spend the money on a shoot, some sort of physical product should be purchased as well. If you just take the digital prints and never do anything with them you run the risk of losing the USB and your computer crashing. Yes this is worse case scenario it won’t happen right away. I only archive my clients’ images for a year or so.

Showing off the digital images can be a nuisance also. You need to be near a computer. You need to find the USB if it’s not saved on your computer. Physical products are usually on a coffee table, on your wall, or make your mornings bright when you hold your coffee mug with my images on them. You see these products every day.

You have choices as well. You’re free to take your images to Walmart or Costco. I don’t recommend it. I won’t stop you. I will warn you that the quality and colors will most likely be subpar. The quality of those products won’t compare with manufactures that strictly deal with professional photographers. Screens are calibrated and images are color corrected so you receive the best image possible.

Yes it will cost more. There is nothing wrong with going the less expensive route. Quality will make your images stand out though. Just what ever you do, don’t let your image collect dust hidden in a drawer.


Gift Certificates Available

Give the gift of photography. Memories for life.

I'm Having a Baby!


It’s almost that time. With our due date quickly approaching, I will no longer be taking new clients until the end of August. Bree and I are nesting and patiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Markie. Potential clients, thank you for your understanding. Friends and family, thank you for all the gifts and well wishes. Thank you cards are on the way.


Stay tuned for the best newborn session you’ve ever seen.

Reasons you need prints in your life

Reasons you need prints in your life.


While I love and respect the posting and sharing of my clients’ images after one of my photoshoots, I feel like clients should go the extra mile and get those images printed. It doesn’t even have to be through me. I’m in the process of getting photo release cards so clients don’t run the risk of other places not printing my photography. If you take the time and spend the money on a shoot, some sort of physical product should be purchased as well. If you just take the digital prints and never do anything with them you run the risk of losing the USB and your computer crashing. Yes this is worse case scenario it won’t happen right away. I only archive my clients’ images for a year or so.

Showing off the digital images can be a nuisance also. You need to be near a computer. You need to find the USB if it’s not saved on your computer. Physical products are usually on a coffee table, on your wall, or make your mornings bright when you hold your coffee mug with my images on them. You see these products every day.

You have choices as well. You’re free to take your images to Walmart or Costco. I don’t recommend it. I won’t stop you. I will warn you that the quality and colors will most likely be subpar. The quality of those products won’t compare with manufactures that strictly deal with professional photographers. Screens are calibrated and images are color corrected so you receive the best image possible.

Yes it will cost more. There is nothing wrong with going the less expensive route. Quality will make your images stand out though. Just what ever you do, don’t let your image collect dust hidden in a drawer.


Gift Certificates Available

Give the gift of photography. Memories for life.

Spring 2016 Maternity / Newborn Shoots

Had a wonderful time these past few days shooting multiple families.  First there is Baby Aksel's Newborn Family Photoshoot which was done in the comfort of their own home.  

Click on photo to see more from this shoot.

Click on photo to see more from this shoot.

Next there was Pilar's Maternity Family Shoot.  This was shot on a beautiful day in the Colonial Park Gardens in Somerset. 

Click to see more from this shoot.

Click to see more from this shoot.

Call or click to book a session today.  973.508.2080