
I'm Having a Baby!


It’s almost that time. With our due date quickly approaching, I will no longer be taking new clients until the end of August. Bree and I are nesting and patiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Markie. Potential clients, thank you for your understanding. Friends and family, thank you for all the gifts and well wishes. Thank you cards are on the way.


Stay tuned for the best newborn session you’ve ever seen.

The Guess What, The Glow, and The Binkie

Being blessed with a pregnancy could very well be some of the most beautiful months of your life.  What better way to cherish your memories than a photo session to mark these beautiful moments.  

Lets make the announcement of your bundle of joy something memorable with the GUESS WHAT.


Show everyone your how beautiful your belly bump is with THE GLOW



When the amazing moment comes and you give birth to the most beautiful baby you've ever seen cherish it with THE BINKIE.


A little more clarification:  The Guess What includes The Glow and The Binkie.  The Glow includes The Binkie.  

Know someone who is expecting?  $$$. Referral Bonus  $$$$  available. Is someone very close to you expecting?  Gift Certificates available.